. . . for me to be angry at Him. This was something of a shocking revelation to me this morning.
Our kids' Pathfinder club is on a ski trip today. We got up early (way too early!) to deliver William to the designated meeting place, and Beth met us there, as she had stayed overnight with a friend.
As we waited for the vans to load up and get underway, Beth lost it all over the parking lot. Vicki and I had been looking forward to having the day alone, and we found ourselves deprived of that time together and presented with a sick daughter all at once, at less than six in the morning. And I felt angry with God.
It was then that I realized that God is big enough to handle my being angry with Him. Maybe this is what it means when the Bible says "Be angry, and do not sin."
When I learn that you are angry at me, I feel an urgent need to remediate our relationship. Assuming that our relationship is important to me, I will want to appologize, to understand, to appease, to in some way compensate for whatever has damaged our understanding.
God has much bigger resources. He already understands why I am angry. He has already offered the most perfect compensation, and His promise is sure that, beyond my ability to understand, His love for me is perfect. He gives me time and space to turn back to His waiting arms.