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J. Daniel Ashton

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Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, —Ecclesiastes 9:10a NIV
The LORD God has told us what is right and what he demands:
"See that justice is done,
let mercy be your first concern,
and humbly obey your God." —Micah 6:8, CEV
With all your heart you must trust the LORD and not your own judgment.
Always let Him lead you, and He will clear the road for you to follow. —Proverbs 3:5,6 CEV

see also — My Homepage

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Name: Daniel Ashton
Location: Germantown, Maryland, United States

Any links with a dashed underscore probably point to Amazon.com

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Waiting for Results

Well, the last question has been asked. We had believed for many weeks that the last question would be for some of the 31 kings listed in Joshua 12, but we had the wrong list. (The question referred instead to Joshua 3:10.)

It will take some time for the results to be tabulated and the certificates filled out.

Next year the book will be Matthew. Our family goal is for every Pathfinder club in the Columbia Union to have a first-place team, and we think it's possible, since the Gospel of Matthew is far less intimidating than the books in the last two years.

I've registered a website, and hope to have a wiki running there within the next few days. See Matthewpedia.com.


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