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J. Daniel Ashton

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, —Ecclesiastes 9:10a NIV
The LORD God has told us what is right and what he demands:
"See that justice is done,
let mercy be your first concern,
and humbly obey your God." —Micah 6:8, CEV
With all your heart you must trust the LORD and not your own judgment.
Always let Him lead you, and He will clear the road for you to follow. —Proverbs 3:5,6 CEV

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Name: Daniel Ashton
Location: Germantown, Maryland, United States

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Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I'm back! -- mostly

I spent Friday and Sabbath in St. Louis, MO, being part of the international brass choir at our General Conference sessions. It was a fantastic experience, made possible by two friends who have proven that they stick closer than a brother. I went into it with two days worth of sore throat and mild fever, and these guys gave me the strength and help to persevere to the end.

We had a group of nearly 40 brass players from Germany, around the US, and Montemorelos, Mexico. I played tuba, and felt that I made a valuable contribution. Playing with these friends was a fantastic experience, and I'm already trying to come up with reasons to meet with them on a more frequent basis, as well as to maintain ties so we can get together for the Atlanta session in 2010. (If the world hasn't ended by then.)

We got back around 9 AM Sunday morning, and Vicki sent me straight to bed. My sore throat had been blown into a real ear infection, and as we drove through the mountains on I-68 I had noticed that my ears failed to repressurize at the 2700-ft passes we drove through. Sunday and Monday (Independence Day) we rested strenuously, and on Tuesday we started trying to find a doctor. I haven't seen an MD since we moved from Atlanta in 2001, although sometime since then I've had to select a Primary Care Physician. Our records of that selection have vanished into the mists of time, and our initial phone calls were poorly timed.

It wasn't until this morning (Wednesday) that we finally reached a doctor who was both open for business and willing to take new patients. When we got in to see him he confirmed that I have a serious ear infection and should plan to stay home from work for the rest of this week, and he gave me a prescription for Nyquil and for Augmentin XR, 1000mg, which provides 1000mg of Amoxicillin and 62.5mg of Clavulanic acid. He said to call him back if I wasn't noticing an improvement by Friday afternoon.

So, here I lie, wincing when I swallow and wiggling my jaw around, trying to clear my ear canals. I'm also sucking on Halls Sugar Free Black Cherry cough drops, which I think are about the most perfect cough drop created yet. Go Black Cherry!

In the meantime, my parents and at least parts of the New England Youth Ensemble are in St. Louis getting ready to play this weekend. I envy them: I miss orchestral playing, and the musical focus needed for an event like this is a beautiful experience, even when you're under the weather.

If you want to catch some of the performances, try watching them via the internet at the Hope Channel or 3ABN, which are both also available via certain satellite subscriptions.

Vicki promised to make soup tonight using Pepper Jack cheese (yum!), and the salsa heat should help to unstuff my nasal passageways. Here's hoping it works on eustachian tubes too.


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